Y. Souissi, S. Mekki, N. Debande, S.Guilley, J-L. Danger, “On the optimality of Correlation Power Analysis,” WISTP’12 (Under submission)
J. Bringer, H. Chabanne, T-H Le, “Protecting AES Against Side-Channel Analysis Using Wire-Tap Codes,” (Under submission)
H. Chabanne, G. Cohen, A. Patey, “Secure Network Coding and Non-Malleable Codes: Protection against Linear Tampering,” (Under submission)
N. Debande, Y. Souissi, S. Guilley, J-L. Danger, M. Nassar, Thanh-Ha Le, “Re-synchronization by Moments*: an efficient solution to align Side-Channel traces,” WIFS2011, Foz de Iguacu, Brazil, Dec., 2011.
H. Chabanne, G. Cohen, J-Pierre Flori, A. Patey, “Non-Malleable Codes from the Wire-Tap Channel,” ITW2011, Oct., 2011.
Y. Souissi, M.A. Elaabid, N. Debande, S.Guilley, J-L. Danger; “Novel Applications of Wavelet Transforms based Side-Channel Analysis,” NIAT2011, Sep., 2011.
S. Guilley, O. Meynard, M. Nassar, G.Duc, P. Hoogvorst, M.A. Elaabid, S. Bhasin, Y. Souissi, N. Debande, L. Sauvage, J-L. Danger, “Vade Mecum on Side Channel Attacks and Countermeasures for the Designer and Evaluator,” DTIS2011, April 2011.
S. Wang, T-H. Le, M. Berthier, “When CPA and MIA go hand in hand,” COSADE 2011, Feb., 2011.